Relationship with the One 2.0 - Mastery Within & Over The Illusion

So many people feel overwhelmed by or sometimes even bullied by life.  

No matter what you do, life seems to be happening to you.

Even if you’re conceptually aware that the reality we experience is an illusion, you can still feel like you are subject to life as it unfolds, rather than empowered within it.

The reason is because you’re not fully aware of or able to experience the fullness and authority of your power to co-create everything at all times. 

Most people are unconsciously co-creating the same reality over and over again.

This can make you feel stuck, hopeless and like you can't seem to change things no matter how hard you're trying.

Making you feel stuck, hopeless and like you can't seem to change things no matter how hard you're trying.

To think the same thoughts, have the same triggers and the same experience of life.

In this powerful workshop you’ll:

  • Release the distortion patterns that cause you to create the same thing over and over again.
  • Learn how the illusion works and shift your relationship to it so it changes what your life looks like and how you feel about it.
  • Be aware of and experience your power as co-creator more fully. 

When you release these key distortion patterns and rise enough in your frequency resonance you start to have mastery within and over the illusion.

Which means that you get to experience life in a whole new and better way.

Register now to shift your relationship with life and step more fully into your power to intentionally co-create.

Let's rise together!


"This workshop has changed my life. I feel more myself, less constrained by perfectionism and finally feel like I can appreciate myself and all that I am on a deeper level." - Rose P., WI, USA

"I've found the strength that I have always had, and used the tools you have given me. I now feel truly empowered, and I feel like I can really fully step into my brilliance. What you teach is magic, and the best part is it's within all of us. What a gift. Thank you!" - Rita V., CA, USA

"Thank all of you so much for this amazing workshop! After months of feeling exhausted and out of coherence I’ve had such an amazing shift. It’s hard to put into words but it’s truly amazing!" - Lea C., LA, USA 


$395 USD

Frequency work as offered by Karen Cheong of Spherical Luminosity LLC ("Spherical Luminosity") is not for everyone. 

This is incredibly powerful new paradigm work — and it requires your active participation, strong self-awareness and a high level of personal accountability. It is an amazing tool for those who want to be self-empowered and are ready for profound positive transformation and acceleration in their personal and spiritual journeys, for those who want to begin to live their best and highest version — but only for those who are willing to take responsibility for both the progress and any roadblocks that may arise.

For people who tend to blame others for their problems, who have difficulty seeing a situation from another’s perspective and/or who are not willing or not able to take personal responsibility for themselves and the things that happen in their lives, this is not the right work for you.

If you have or believe that you may have a physical or mental health issue, and/or any medical concerns, please consult a licensed medical doctor, therapist or counselor and obtain the appropriate treatment — you must not rely on Karen Cheong and the products and services available on the Spherical Luminosity website as an alternative to medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

By viewing this statement, purchasing, downloading, using and/or registering for any of our products, services, and/or events, you confirm that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed to our Disclaimer, Liability Waiver and Cancellation Policy, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Karen Cheong, and any of Spherical Luminosity's employees, contractors or volunteers ("the Spherical Luminosity Team") from and against any and all claims, loss, damage, injury, cost (including court costs and attorney’s fees), charges, liability or exposure, however caused, resulting from or arising out of or in any way connected with the use of any of the products, services and information provided by Karen, the Spherical Luminosity Team, and/or Spherical Luminosity LLC.